- 2024 Reptile Expo Dates WE ONLY VEND ON SUNDAYS (and during VIP/set-up on Fridays if available)
- Dates are subject to change without notice. Pre-Orders for show pick up are encouraged.
- Sunday, September 22 - Scaled Up Expo: Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
- Sunday, October 6 - Cin City Reptile Show: Cincinnati, OH
- Saturday-Sunday, November 2-3 - Mr. Critters Reptile Expo: Cheyenne, Wyoming (Vending Sunday only)
- Friday-Sunday, December 6-8 - All American Reptile and Plant Expo: Overland Park, Kansas (Vending Sunday only, Available during setup Friday)
- Sunday, December 15 - Scaled Up Expo: Rothschild, Wisconsin
Expo Promotor Websites
- Scaled Up Expo - https://www.scaledupexpos.com/
- Kalamazoo Reptile Expo - https://collisonzoo.com/kalamazooreptileexpo/
- NARBC, Tinley Park - https://www.narbc.com/m/tinley_park.html
- Show Me Reptiles Expo - https://showmereptileshow.com/
- Nebraska RptileBreeders Expo - https://www.facebook.com/nebexpo
- Mr. Critters Reptile Expo - https://www.mrcritters.us/
- All American Reptile and Plant Expo - https://www.allamericanreptileplantexpo.com/
*To set up product pickup at a reptile show send us a message and choose local pickup at checkout.